SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig leisure and hospitality

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search leisure and hospitality here is the answer.


There are 12 results found searching for LEISURE AND HOSPITALITY

  • Activity: corporate hospitality catering
    SIC Code: 56210 | Description: Event catering activities
  • Activity: leisure centres
    SIC Code: 93110 | Description: Operation of sports facilities
  • Activity: diving contracting (non leisure )
    SIC Code: 52220 | Description: Service activities incidental to water transportation
  • Activity: local authority leisure centres
    SIC Code: 93110 | Description: Operation of sports facilities
  • Activity: leisure craft made of rubber (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 30120 | Description: Building of pleasure and sporting boats
  • Activity: construction of arts, cultural or leisure facilities buildings
    SIC Code: 41201 | Description: Construction of commercial buildings
  • Activity: arts, cultural or leisure facilities buildings construction
    SIC Code: 41201 | Description: Construction of commercial buildings
  • Activity: ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software development
    SIC Code: 62011 | Description: Ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software developmen
  • Activity: programming services for ready made leisure and entertainment software
    SIC Code: 62011 | Description: Ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software developmen
  • Activity: ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software developmen
    SIC Code: 62011 | Description: Ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software developmen
  • Activity: designing of structure and content of an interactive leisure and entertainment software database
    SIC Code: 62011 | Description: Ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software developmen
  • Activity: renting of leisure and pleasure equipment as an integral part of recreational facilities
    SIC Code: 93290 | Description: Other amusement and recreation activities