SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig maritime skills

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search maritime skills here is the answer.


There are 7 results found searching for MARITIME SKILLS

  • Activity: maritime agent
    SIC Code: 52290 | Description: Other transportation support activities
  • Activity: national maritime museum
    SIC Code: 91020 | Description: Museum activities
  • Activity: national maritime board
    SIC Code: 94120 | Description: Activities of professional membership organisations
  • Activity: library training courses (it, information literacy, basic skills )
    SIC Code: 91011 | Description: Library activities
  • Activity: maritime search and rescue (military)
    SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities
  • Activity: work with specialist access requirements necessitating climbing skills and related equipment
    SIC Code: 43999 | Description: Specialised construction activities (other than scaffold erection) n.e.c.
  • Activity: language instruction and conversational skills instruction
    SIC Code: 85590 | Description: Other education n.e.c.