SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search chartered surveyor here is the answer.
There are 17 results found searching for CHARTERED SURVEYOR
- Activity: chartered building surveyor
SIC Code: 71129 | Description: Other engineering activities (not including engineering design for industrial process and production or engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities) - Activity: chartered land surveyor
SIC Code: 71122 | Description: Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities - Activity: chartered rail travel
SIC Code: 79110 | Description: Travel agency activities - Activity: chartered institute of secretaries
SIC Code: 94120 | Description: Activities of professional membership organisations - Activity: royal institute of chartered surveyor s
SIC Code: 94120 | Description: Activities of professional membership organisations - Activity: chartered secretary (firm acting as)
SIC Code: 70221 | Description: Financial management - Activity: institute of chartered accountants of scotland
SIC Code: 94120 | Description: Activities of professional membership organisations - Activity: institute of chartered accountants in england and wales
SIC Code: 94120 | Description: Activities of professional membership organisations
- Activity: mineral surveyor
SIC Code: 71122 | Description: Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities - Activity: marine surveyor
SIC Code: 71200 | Description: Technical testing and analysis - Activity: ship surveyor
SIC Code: 71200 | Description: Technical testing and analysis - Activity: surveyor (other than valuer)
SIC Code: 71122 | Description: Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities - Activity: marine cargo surveyor
SIC Code: 71200 | Description: Technical testing and analysis - Activity: land surveyor (not valuer)
SIC Code: 71122 | Description: Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities - Activity: land valuer or surveyor
SIC Code: 68310 | Description: Real estate agencies
- Activity: cost draughtsman (quantity surveyor )
SIC Code: 74902 | Description: Quantity surveying activities - Activity: surveyor and valuer (real estate)
SIC Code: 68310 | Description: Real estate agencies
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