SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search paint clean here is the answer.
There are 36 results found searching for PAINT CLEAN
- Activity: clean towel company
SIC Code: 96010 | Description: Washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products - Activity: oil spills at sea containment, dispersion and clean up services
SIC Code: 39000 | Description: Remediation activities and other waste management services - Activity: resins for paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: polyester paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: polyurethane paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: primer paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: vinyl paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: zinc paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants
- Activity: paint brush (manufacture)
SIC Code: 32910 | Description: Manufacture of brooms and brushes - Activity: paint pads (manufacture)
SIC Code: 32910 | Description: Manufacture of brooms and brushes - Activity: rollers for paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 32910 | Description: Manufacture of brooms and brushes - Activity: paint and varnish (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46730 | Description: Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment - Activity: paint and varnish (retail)
SIC Code: 47520 | Description: Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores - Activity: paint removers (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: electrocoats paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants
- Activity: emulsion paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: cellulose paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: bituminous paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: epoxy paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: lead paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: marine paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: metallic paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants
- Activity: aluminium paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: anti-corrosive paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: paint , varnish and lacquer (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46730 | Description: Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment - Activity: cement based paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: paint spraying machine (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28290 | Description: Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c. - Activity: paint with cement base (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: thinners for paint and varnish (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants
- Activity: paint (not cement based) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: oleo resinous paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: chlorinated rubber based paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: rubber based paint (chlorinated) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: metal pre-treatment paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: nitrogen resin type paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: asbestos, lead paint , and other toxic material abatement
SIC Code: 39000 | Description: Remediation activities and other waste management services
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