SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig potato salad

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search potato salad here is the answer.


There are 17 results found searching for POTATO SALAD

  • Activity: salad dressing (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10840 | Description: Manufacture of condiments and seasonings
  • Activity: salad cream (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10840 | Description: Manufacture of condiments and seasonings
  • Activity: potato growing
    SIC Code: 01130 | Description: Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
  • Activity: potato starch (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10620 | Description: Manufacture of starches and starch products
  • Activity: potato straw (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes
  • Activity: potato stick (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes
  • Activity: potato products (wholesale)
    SIC Code: 46310 | Description: Wholesale of fruit and vegetables
  • Activity: potato puff (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes
  • Activity: potato crisp (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes
  • Activity: sweet potato growing
    SIC Code: 01130 | Description: Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
  • Activity: potato processing and preserving (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes
  • Activity: potato peeling (industrial) (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes
  • Activity: potato flour and meal (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes
  • Activity: potato harvester and sorter (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 28302 | Description: Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery (other than agricultural tractors)
  • Activity: potato snacks production (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes
  • Activity: potato dehydrating for animal feed (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10910 | Description: Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
  • Activity: potato chip production (frozen, raw, steamed or boiled) (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10310 | Description: Processing and preserving of potatoes