SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search typesetters print here is the answer.
There are 8 results found searching for TYPESETTERS PRINT
- Activity: print colouring (manufacture)
SIC Code: 18130 | Description: Pre-press and pre-media services - Activity: print cloth weaving (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13200 | Description: Weaving of textiles - Activity: computer print -out paper (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17230 | Description: Manufacture of paper stationery - Activity: instant print film (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20590 | Description: Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. - Activity: directories and compilations (in print ) publishing
SIC Code: 58120 | Description: Publishing of directories and mailing lists - Activity: mailing lists (in print ) publishing
SIC Code: 58120 | Description: Publishing of directories and mailing lists - Activity: telephone books (in print ) publishing
SIC Code: 58120 | Description: Publishing of directories and mailing lists - Activity: photographic plates and film and instant print film (commission agent)
SIC Code: 46180 | Description: Agents specialised in the sale of other particular products
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