SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search veterinarian clinic here is the answer.
There are 13 results found searching for VETERINARIAN CLINIC
- Activity: registered veterinarian
SIC Code: 75000 | Description: Veterinary activities - Activity: animal hospital supervised or run by registered veterinarian
SIC Code: 75000 | Description: Veterinary activities - Activity: dental clinic
SIC Code: 86230 | Description: Dental practice activities - Activity: psychiatric clinic
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: physiotherapy clinic
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: ophthalmic clinic
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: maternity clinic
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: foot clinic (private)
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities
- Activity: foot clinic (nhs)
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: clinic (health service)
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: chiropractor clinic (own account)
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: school medical clinic
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: dental clinic (health service)
SIC Code: 86230 | Description: Dental practice activities
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