SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig wet led pub

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search wet led pub here is the answer.


There are 7 results found searching for WET LED PUB

  • Activity: light emitting diodes (led ) (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 26110 | Description: Manufacture of electronic components
  • Activity: wet fish (retail)
    SIC Code: 47230 | Description: Retail sale of fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialised stores
  • Activity: wet corn milling (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10620 | Description: Manufacture of starches and starch products
  • Activity: wet suits of rubber (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 22190 | Description: Manufacture of other rubber products
  • Activity: wet cell batteries (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 27200 | Description: Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
  • Activity: wet fish dealer (wholesale)
    SIC Code: 46380 | Description: Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs
  • Activity: ready-mixed wet mortars (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 23640 | Description: Manufacture of mortars