SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search yoga mats here is the answer.
There are 16 results found searching for YOGA MATS
- Activity: yoga instruction
SIC Code: 85510 | Description: Sports and recreation education - Activity: mats made of rubber (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22190 | Description: Manufacture of other rubber products - Activity: mats made of cork (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16290 | Description: Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials - Activity: mats made of jute (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13939 | Description: Manufacture of carpets and rugs (other than woven or tufted) n.e.c. - Activity: mats and rugs made of fur (manufacture)
SIC Code: 14200 | Description: Manufacture of articles of fur - Activity: mats and matting made of sisal (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13939 | Description: Manufacture of carpets and rugs (other than woven or tufted) n.e.c. - Activity: mats and matting made of coir (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13939 | Description: Manufacture of carpets and rugs (other than woven or tufted) n.e.c. - Activity: table mats made of textiles (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13923 | Description: Manufacture of household textiles (other than soft furnishings of 13.42/1)
- Activity: mats and matting made of coconut fibre (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13939 | Description: Manufacture of carpets and rugs (other than woven or tufted) n.e.c. - Activity: pile rugs and mats of wool, woven (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13931 | Description: Manufacture of woven or tufted carpets and rugs - Activity: pile rugs and mats of cotton, woven (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13931 | Description: Manufacture of woven or tufted carpets and rugs - Activity: pile rugs, mats and tiles of wool, tufted (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13931 | Description: Manufacture of woven or tufted carpets and rugs - Activity: pile rugs, mats and tiles of cotton, tufted (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13931 | Description: Manufacture of woven or tufted carpets and rugs - Activity: pile rugs and mats of man-made fibres, woven (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13931 | Description: Manufacture of woven or tufted carpets and rugs - Activity: pile rugs, mats and tiles of man-made fibres, tufted (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13931 | Description: Manufacture of woven or tufted carpets and rugs
- Activity: fur skin assemblies including dropped fur skins, plates, mats and strips (manufacture)
SIC Code: 14200 | Description: Manufacture of articles of fur
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