SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search alrisalah education trust here is the answer.
There are 44 results found searching for ALRISALAH EDUCATION TRUST
- Activity: technical and vocational adult education (excl. cultural, sports, recreation education and the like)
SIC Code: 85320 | Description: Technical and vocational secondary education - Activity: national trust (the)
SIC Code: 94990 | Description: Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. - Activity: civic trust
SIC Code: 94990 | Description: Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. - Activity: nuffield hospital trust
SIC Code: 86101 | Description: Hospital activities - Activity: public trust office
SIC Code: 66190 | Description: Other activities auxiliary to financial services, except insurance and pension funding - Activity: unit trust activities
SIC Code: 64302 | Description: Activities of unit trusts - Activity: in-house trust activities
SIC Code: 64302 | Description: Activities of unit trusts - Activity: national trust garden (property)
SIC Code: 91020 | Description: Museum activities
- Activity: trust territory programme administration (public sector)
SIC Code: 84110 | Description: General public administration activities - Activity: other education n.e.c.
SIC Code: 85590 | Description: Other education n.e.c. - Activity: other adult and other education n.e.c.
SIC Code: 85590 | Description: Other education n.e.c. - Activity: cultural education
SIC Code: 85520 | Description: Cultural education - Activity: cultural education
SIC Code: 85520 | Description: Cultural education - Activity: primary education
SIC Code: 85200 | Description: Primary education - Activity: primary education
SIC Code: 85200 | Description: Primary education
- Activity: sports and recreation education
SIC Code: 85510 | Description: Sports and recreation education - Activity: sports and recreation education
SIC Code: 85510 | Description: Sports and recreation education - Activity: adult education centre
SIC Code: 85590 | Description: Other education n.e.c. - Activity: pre-primary education
SIC Code: 85100 | Description: Pre-primary education - Activity: general secondary education
SIC Code: 85310 | Description: General secondary education - Activity: pre-primary education
SIC Code: 85100 | Description: Pre-primary education - Activity: secondary level education
SIC Code: 85310 | Description: General secondary education
- Activity: technical and vocational education
SIC Code: 85320 | Description: Technical and vocational secondary education - Activity: first-degree level higher education
SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education - Activity: public administration of education programmes
SIC Code: 84120 | Description: Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security - Activity: technical and vocational secondary education
SIC Code: 85320 | Description: Technical and vocational secondary education - Activity: adult education residential college
SIC Code: 85590 | Description: Other education n.e.c. - Activity: higher education at the first degree level
SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education - Activity: first-degree level higher education
SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education
- Activity: post-secondary non-tertiary education
SIC Code: 85410 | Description: Post-secondary non-tertiary education - Activity: higher education (sub degree level)
SIC Code: 85410 | Description: Post-secondary non-tertiary education - Activity: technical and vocational secondary education
SIC Code: 85320 | Description: Technical and vocational secondary education - Activity: college of higher education (degree level)
SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education - Activity: higher education at post-graduate level
SIC Code: 85422 | Description: Post-graduate level higher education - Activity: post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education
SIC Code: 85410 | Description: Post-secondary non-tertiary education - Activity: national institute for adult continuing education
SIC Code: 85590 | Description: Other education n.e.c.
- Activity: theological college specialising in higher education course
SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education - Activity: post-graduate level higher education
SIC Code: 85422 | Description: Post-graduate level higher education - Activity: vocational education at post-secondary non-tertial level
SIC Code: 85410 | Description: Post-secondary non-tertiary education - Activity: performing arts schools providing tertiary education
SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education - Activity: study leading to a one year post graduate certificate of education (pgce)
SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education - Activity: correspondence college specialising in higher education courses (degree level)
SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education - Activity: regulation of the activities of providing health care, education , cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
SIC Code: 84120 | Description: Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
- Activity: primary and pre-primary education
SIC Code: 85200 | Description: Primary education
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