SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search blocks here is the answer.
There are 16 results found searching for BLOCKS
- Activity: refractory blocks (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23200 | Description: Manufacture of refractory products - Activity: blocks made of breeze (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23610 | Description: Manufacture of concrete products for construction purposes - Activity: blocks made of concrete (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23610 | Description: Manufacture of concrete products for construction purposes - Activity: blocks made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22210 | Description: Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles - Activity: wood blocks for printing (manufacture)
SIC Code: 18130 | Description: Pre-press and pre-media services - Activity: blocks for industrial engines (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28110 | Description: Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines - Activity: blocks made of graphite (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23200 | Description: Manufacture of refractory products - Activity: lithographic stones and wood blocks (manufacture)
SIC Code: 18130 | Description: Pre-press and pre-media services
- Activity: paving blocks made of glass (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23190 | Description: Manufacture and processing of other glass, including technical glassware - Activity: paving blocks made of wood (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16230 | Description: Manufacture of other builders carpentry and joinery - Activity: bricks and blocks made of refractory ceramic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23200 | Description: Manufacture of refractory products - Activity: flywheels and pulleys including pulley blocks (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46690 | Description: Wholesale of other machinery and equipment - Activity: wooden parquet floor blocks assembled into panels (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16220 | Description: Manufacture of assembled parquet floors - Activity: insulating (heat and sound) sheet, tiles, blocks and granules made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic - Activity: installation of large scale central heating boilers e.g. for large residential blocks (manufacture)
SIC Code: 33200 | Description: Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
- Activity: blocks for the manufacture of smoking pipes (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16290 | Description: Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials
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