SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search collection nonhazardous here is the answer.
There are 35 results found searching for COLLECTION NONHAZARDOUS
- Activity: wallace collection
SIC Code: 91020 | Description: Museum activities - Activity: waste collection
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: trash collection
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: rubbish collection
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: garbage collection
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: waste collection centre
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: collection of hazardous waste
SIC Code: 38120 | Description: Collection of hazardous waste - Activity: collection of nuclear waste
SIC Code: 38120 | Description: Collection of hazardous waste
- Activity: collection of rain water
SIC Code: 36000 | Description: Water collection, treatment and supply - Activity: milk collection by tanker
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: motor vehicle collection
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: activities of collection agencies
SIC Code: 82911 | Description: Activities of collection agencies - Activity: collection of non-hazardous waste
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: duty and tax collection
SIC Code: 84110 | Description: General public administration activities - Activity: collection of bio-hazardous waste
SIC Code: 38120 | Description: Collection of hazardous waste
- Activity: steam production, collection and distribution
SIC Code: 35300 | Description: Steam and air conditioning supply - Activity: water collection , treatment and supply
SIC Code: 36000 | Description: Water collection, treatment and supply - Activity: collection of used oil from shipment or garages
SIC Code: 38120 | Description: Collection of hazardous waste - Activity: collection of non hazardous recyclable materials
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: construction and demolition waste collection
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: water collection , purification and distribution
SIC Code: 36000 | Description: Water collection, treatment and supply - Activity: litter box refuse collection (public)
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste
- Activity: collection and treatment of radioactive nuclear waste
SIC Code: 38120 | Description: Collection of hazardous waste - Activity: parking meter coin collection services
SIC Code: 82990 | Description: Other business support service activities n.e.c. - Activity: collection and removal of non hazardous debris and rubble
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: collection of non hazardous construction and demolition waste
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: bulk haulage milk collection at farms
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: collection of water from rivers, lakes, wells
SIC Code: 36000 | Description: Water collection, treatment and supply - Activity: collection of female human urine for hormone extraction
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities
- Activity: hazardous waste collection (e.g. batteries, used cooking oils, etc.)
SIC Code: 38120 | Description: Collection of hazardous waste - Activity: collection of non hazardous waste output of textile mills
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: collection of refuse in litter bins in public places
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: refuse collection by local authority cleansing department
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: rain water collection and transportation by sewers, collectors, tanks and other means of transport
SIC Code: 37000 | Description: Sewerage - Activity: human waste water collection and transport by sewers, collectors, tanks and other means of transport
SIC Code: 37000 | Description: Sewerage
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