SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search excavation and removal here is the answer.
There are 16 results found searching for EXCAVATION AND REMOVAL
- Activity: excavation
SIC Code: 43120 | Description: Site preparation - Activity: earth moving excavation
SIC Code: 43120 | Description: Site preparation - Activity: furniture removal
SIC Code: 49420 | Description: Removal services - Activity: removal services
SIC Code: 49420 | Description: Removal services - Activity: rock removal
SIC Code: 43120 | Description: Site preparation - Activity: removal contractor
SIC Code: 49420 | Description: Removal services - Activity: building debris removal
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: asbestos removal work
SIC Code: 39000 | Description: Remediation activities and other waste management services
- Activity: removal by road transport.
SIC Code: 49420 | Description: Removal services - Activity: blasting and associated rock removal work
SIC Code: 43120 | Description: Site preparation - Activity: mining site preparation and overburden removal
SIC Code: 43120 | Description: Site preparation - Activity: collection and removal of non hazardous debris and rubble
SIC Code: 38110 | Description: Collection of non-hazardous waste - Activity: overburden removal and other development of mineral properties and sites
SIC Code: 43120 | Description: Site preparation - Activity: outfitting of tankers and removal trailers for transport of goods (manufacture)
SIC Code: 29202 | Description: Manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers - Activity: offal (edible) preparation (i.e. removal , freezing, packing, etc.) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 10110 | Description: Processing and preserving of meat
- Activity: removal of ink from waste paper and subsequent manufacture of pulp (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17110 | Description: Manufacture of pulp
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