SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig himalayan salt

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search himalayan salt here is the answer.


There are 17 results found searching for HIMALAYAN SALT

  • Activity: salt , processing of into food-grade salt , iodised salt (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10840 | Description: Manufacture of condiments and seasonings
  • Activity: salt preparation (not at salt mine or brine pit)
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: extraction of salt
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: salt works
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: salt extraction
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: salt mine
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: salt production
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: sea salt production
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: industrial salt (wholesale)
    SIC Code: 46750 | Description: Wholesale of chemical products
  • Activity: rock salt production
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: white salt production
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: salt crushing, purification and refining by the producer
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: olive preserving in salt or brine (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10390 | Description: Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
  • Activity: salt , extraction of, from underground including by dissolving and pumping
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: aquaculture in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs
    SIC Code: 03210 | Description: Marine aquaculture
  • Activity: salt production by evaporation of sea water or other saline waters
    SIC Code: 08930 | Description: Extraction of salt
  • Activity: salt production support services provided on a fee or contract basis
    SIC Code: 09900 | Description: Support activities for other mining and quarrying